

Welcome to the Troop 1221 Website

We have put together this information to help you get acquainted with Troop 1221. Our troop offers monthly adventures such as camping, backpacking, skiing, canoeing, cycling, fishing, rock climbing and shooting. Troop 1221 also provides weekly meetings filled with hands-on activities, games and planning for upcoming weekend activities. By participating in the weekend activities and Troop meetings, Scouts have fun, create lasting friendships, and learn important skills. Once a month the meeting is focused on earning a merit badge of the scout's choosing. Scouts learn skills that range from cooking at a campout, to using a compass, to learning first aid techniques. Scouts are recognized for their achievements by advancing to higher level ranks, earning merit badges, and dozens have reached the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout.

Friends of Scouting Presentation at Wednesday's Court of Honor (March 30, 2022)

Posted by rhunter on Mar 28 2022 - 11:03pm

Dear Troop 1221 Families,

We are scheduled to have our Friends of Scouting (FOS) presentation at this Wednesday's Court of Honor.  We hope that all leaders, parents and Scouts will join us for the Court of Honor and our FOS presentation. 

Troop 1221 Sweatshirt Orders

Posted by rhunter on Oct 27 2021 - 5:34pm

We are planning our purchase of Troop 1221 sweatshirts.  An order form is attached with prices for different items and sizes.  Orders with payment are due to Mrs. Hunter by the November 17 Troop meeting, and delivery time will be approximately 3-4 weeks after we place our order. 

Troop 1221 Friends of Scouting Campaign

Posted by rhunter on Jun 18 2021 - 8:49pm

Dear Troop 1221 Families,

As discussed at Wednesday’s Court of Honor, I don’t think that we reached our intended audience at our March Friends of Scouting (FOS) presentation, meaning our Scout parents!  We had a few contributions, but some families didn’t realize we had made the presentation.  I am following up to allow those who haven’t yet contributed the opportunity to consider donating.   

Friends of Scouting Presentation at our 31 March Troop Meeting

Posted by rhunter on Mar 29 2021 - 10:40pm

Dear Troop 1221 Families,

We are scheduled to have our Friends of Scouting (FOS) presentation at this Wednesday's Troop meeting on Zoom, after our Order of the Arrow camping promotion.  We hope that all leaders, parents and Scouts will join us for our presentation. 

Communication Merit Badge

Posted by thgoben on Dec 10 2020 - 4:46pm

COMMUNICATION.  Its an essential life skill and also the focus of an Eagle required Merit Badge!  I invite you to join me to learn more about communication as it relates to Scouting, personal relationships and future careers.  This session will be limited to 8 scouts, due to the nature of the work.  Priority will be given to scouts working on their Eagle rank.  If this is a badge you have already started, and need to finish, please let me know and you can join for portions of the session.

Aquia District Life to Eagle Seminar Saturday Oct 10th

Posted by thgoben on Oct 7 2020 - 5:55am

From:  District Life to Eagle Representative

Next Saturday is our Fall Life to Eagle Seminar which will be held via Zoom. The first session is for Leaders and is from 0900-1000 hours. The second session is for Scouts and Parents and runs from 1030-1230 hours.

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